eCommerce Link Building

Running an online store is nothing easy, but an ecommerce website is even more tactical. Ecommerce websites require more complex and technical SEO measures to perform well on search engines. In fact, it may only take the industry leaders to turn your common site into an online business. One of such complex aspects for many ecommerce sites is eCommerce link building.

Website owners are stuck wondering how link building for ecommerce works to scale better on search engines. While it is indeed complex, with the right link-building strategies and link prospects, you can build links for ecommerce easily.

In this post, we’ll discuss the link-building opportunities for building links for an ecommerce brand. You’ll get to realize that link-building for ecommerce is easier than you imagine. Ensure you read to the end to get natural links with high link equity to your sites and other websites.

What is Ecommerce Link Building?

Link building is the act of establishing connections to your site from other relevant websites. Google’s system relies heavily on links to identify a page’s importance.

For example, a high number of internal links suggests that the website is authoritative in the niche. The more people who can find your website, the better. Search engines can scan your site more effectively with the aid of incoming links, and each incoming link is a vote of confidence in the site. Hence there is a dire need to build your link profile.

When it comes to ecommerce link building, it’s pretty much the same as other types of link building. However, what changes is that now, the goal is to market products. Hence, all link-building tactics are geared towards getting more sales on the platform.

How Does Ecommerce Link Building Work?

Internal and external link building are the two main strategies for expanding your website’s reach. When linking to an external resource, such as other websites, more effort is required.

As a first step, internal linking is simple because the choice is entirely up to you. Boosting your company’s SEO can be as simple as allocating a little extra time and effort to increase your use of internal connections.

When you “deep-link,” you direct a user to a specific internal page on your site rather than just your main or contact page. It’s important that every page on your site can be reached via text link. Instead of just sending people to your site, try sending them to specific blog articles or merchandise pages.

Keeping a journal gives you more chances to connect back to particular goods or other internal sites. This in turn increases the number of internal links. You should also include links from your social media profiles.

The most effective method to attract outbound connections is to supply outstanding materials. Bloggers and other online opinion leaders can be approached for guest blogging opportunities. Never engage in unethical SEO practices to boost your link profile. These fail miserably because they are linked to fraudulent domains.

Factors that Matter in Ecommerce Link Building

A link’s SEO value is contingent on a number of variables, including but not limited to:

  • Global recognition: Well-known websites attract more connections from other websites. For example, since so many other sites reference it, Wikipedia frequently ranks highly in search results.
  • Local prominence: This is measured by the number of direct connections from other locally relevant websites. For instance, a search engine will give more weight to a relevant link from a famous shoe blog pointing to your shoe shop. This would be more acknowledged than a connection from an irrelevant website.
  • Anchor text: Consider a situation when someone connects to your clothes shop with the words “clothes store” as the anchor text. Search engines take this as a vote of confidence that your website is an authoritative resource on clothes. However, search engines may view it as invasive if the link text that leads people to a website repeatedly uses the same terms.
  • Link value: The value of a link increases when it appears in a page or post that has some connection to the subject matter of your website. You should be able to easily move from the present website to the connected one.
  • The origin of the connection: More weight is given to connections coming from more reliable sources. A connection from Google’s official blog, for instance, will carry more weight than the same link on just any WordPress site. Google’s rating algorithm assigns credibility scores to individual web sites to filter out unreliable sources and useless data.

How to Build Links for Ecommerce: 9 Proven Strategies

Building links for your ecommerce store is easier than you can imagine – especially if you use a company such as Instalinko to buy backlinks. You just need to take the tested and trusted steps we shall give below and carry them out to the latter. Here’s how to build quality links for your ecommerce brand in no time:

Convert Unlinked Brand Mentions

You must keep an eye on unlinked mentions for your company online. It’s excellent marketing practice, and among the best link-building strategies for an ecommerce website.

Of course, it’s important to note that having a powerful brand presence is necessary for employing this approach. It relies on people talking positively about your product, website, or brand.

You can track and find these references with the aid of a few various tools like Google Alert or You can set up email notifications to be sent to you whenever a certain word appears online using these tools. To monitor mentions of your company or product online, simply input their name into one of these apps.

Google search and Google News are also excellent ways to discover unlinked brand mentions. When you find unlinked mentions, you can find your way to potential partners. It’s much more likely that people who are already engaged in your goods and discussing them will connect back to you.

Here are a few types of e-commerce-related mention possibilities we’ve observed:

  • Releasing brand-new products.
  • Consolidation via mergers and purchases.
  • Changes in store hours and/or cancellations.
  • Sponsorships and fundraising activities for a good cause.
  • Content that is pushed or syndicated.
  • Discussions with notable staff members.

The foundation of reference link development is, once again, the publicity of your business. You can actively pursue this news by maintaining regular physical engagement with your community. Help A Reporter Out (HARO) is just one platform where you can assist writers and get your name out there. The success of any link-building strategy for an online store depends on your ability to turn unlinked comments into hyperlinks.

Make Use of Video Marketing

Video content helps you bring your brand’s products (and the stories behind them) to life. You get to have walk-throughs, narratives, and in-depth instructional videos. This medium also enables you to create different types of content for your target audience. You can make from educational how-tos to humorous stories and slapstick comedy.

This proves invaluable in the quest to build relevant links that engage customers and drive higher click-through rates. Video content tends to rank well on Google with potential for featured snippets.

Let’s say you run an ecommerce store selling the latest fashion. A good way to attract links (and more customers) is by creating some fun, engaging video content on various topics.

Also, expand your reach by hosting the video on YouTube and check back on the Analytics to see who embeds your YouTube video. This can provide you with outreach opportunities to relevant sites where you can request a link back to the original page on your website.

One good angle to take when outreaching bloggers, once they have embedded the video, is to provide a better alternative. You can offer a high-quality HD embed that doesn’t include YouTube ads. Just make sure to include a followed attribution link underneath the video iframe embed!

Offer Bloggers Your Products’ Samples

This works by sending complimentary samples of your product to relevant writers. You can increase the likelihood of them creating a guest post for you and linking to your ecommerce site.

First off, do your research and only collaborate with prominent writers in your field. Guest posting works best when the writer seems to have knowledge in your areas. Investigate the competition to learn which writers they frequently collaborate with. Also, learn about the other websites that have featured reviews of their goods.

Using tools like Ahrefs and Majestic, you can find out which ecommerce websites are linking back to your rivals. Most site owners just do a basic Google search like “product name + review.”

Multiple sites may be willing to write positive guest posts about your goods without compensation. However, in most cases, you can expect to compensate at least some of them or build a mutually beneficial relationship. Unless, of course, the worth of your commercial pages is so great. The writer is willing to evaluate your product in return for a complimentary trial.

Use a traffic prediction application (like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Similarweb) to determine the level of sway each writer has. The value of the external links you secure will increase in proportion to the domain authority of the influencer’s blog. Hence, it’s a good idea to use the Mozbar browser application to find out the blog’s domain authority.

Use Extreme Product Pages to Build Links

Stocking and promoting radical goods is another method to obtain relevant backlinks and generate brand attention. You can save up these products either as part of a seasonal deal or a section of your business. This method has the potential to reach people outside of the typical target group.

Some ecommerce sites have mastered this approach, using a variety of intense experience goods to generate a lot of buzz for their business. Link building around this type of merchandise can generate significant social media engagement. It can bring massive amounts of traffic to your own website.

Build Link Worthy Content with Influencers

Link building is already challenging for ecommerce brands. New research indicates that Millennials, the main buyer group, are becoming increasingly sceptical of large brands and paid messages.

ASOS, a web-based vendor of clothing and accessories, successfully sidestepped this problem. They pulled this up through the use of an influencer marketing program called ASOS Insiders.

To sum up, ASOS set up paid profiles for well-known fashion blogs and influencers. These people would then wear and share photos of the company’s labelled apparel. The images would be followed by links to pertinent fashion advice and living material. These were designed to urge consumers to “buy the look.”

This ad campaign promoted goods in a realistic context and provided a novel window into the brand’s personality. All these were received by consumers as a seamless, natural message. The outcomes were remarkable, with ASOS increasing client engagement rates and expanding into new groups. It was the perfect spontaneous and low-cost link-building strategy.

You can as well raise your gang of influencers. It’s impressive when ecommerce brands can make potential customers feel the authenticity of their presence.

Create a Group of People to Serve as Brand Ambassadors

As you may have guessed, this is like picking up from the previous point. What if your ecommerce website is just starting out? What if you have no established brand mentions and no resources beyond the merchandise itself? You’ve decided to employ link building to increase site exposure on search engines, but you’re not sure how.

Black Milk Clothing was a clothing company that started out of nowhere. Today, it is worth millions and employs more than 150 people. In order to better serve its customers, this company has created localized communities in over 80 different regions. Each has its own Facebook page and social network.

Targeted and customized content has made these groups fertile ground for enthusiastic brand advocates. Such content includes inbound links to new product releases and current lines. These advocates then disseminate the links to the products, directing potential customers to the ecommerce website. They also keep the conversation going even when new information is unavailable from the website owner.

This strategy basically positions consumers as critical brand advocates. You just need to equip them with the means to create and spread spontaneous valuable backlinks to other sites.

Make Use of Content Integration and Write an Interesting Blog Post

Google’s algorithms have progressed and come to place a higher value on quality links. Hence, companies have begun to shift their focus primarily on link-worthy content.

We’ve already established that this doesn’t drive consumers to your most important product pages. Consequently, you’ll need to construct an internal links structure to incorporate your content marketing strategy. The user experience and the success of your ecommerce link-building tactics benefit from this, so it’s money well spent.

Therefore, your blog, guest posts and other ecommerce SEO written works should be the beating heart of ecommerce link-building efforts. Work on pertinent and high-quality material that can deliver valuable links and give a natural route to particular category pages.

Posts that closely pertain to goods can be used to guide users to the category pages on your ecommerce site. This will not only engage consumers immediately but also improve the high-quality links pointing to your ecommerce site.

Get Links by Including a Social Sharing Option

One effective ecommerce link-building strategy in recent memory was Getty Image’s Embed. This made approximately 50 million images accessible for free use on blogs and social media websites.

The size of organic traffic depended on how quickly and easily potential customers could tell others about the blog content. This was what made this ecommerce link-building strategy most effective.

You can pull people to your product pages through an eye-catching picture that you have made embeddable. This is much better than having to develop organic traffic through a distant blog post or external piece of content. That’s not all – you would then have to create a customer journey using internal linking.

Using the sharing option broadens your prospective ecommerce link-building campaign audience. It may increase the number of people who browse your own site and make a transaction.

Build Broken Links

Broken link building may not be one of the best ways to acquire links in ecommerce. However, it contributes a massive quota to your link profile.

A broken link on a site is one that leads to a dead end. You can fish out these broken links from these websites and create content that can replace them. When your content is ready, just pitch it to the target site owner and have them connect to yours. Broken link building may be the least effective technique in ecommerce but it sure goes a long way.


You don’t necessarily have to go through the entire process of link building for your ecommerce yourself. There are many paid services that can put you through and keep your link profile natural.

You can reach out to a service like With Instalinko, rest assured that your link profile for your ecommerce site will be in its best in no time. Get started today!

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